Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cellphone is getting bigger each day

I remember during the 90s, everyone is crazy about miniaturization of handphone. In 1999, during the pinnacle of phone miniaturization, Nokia came out with model 8210 and it was the de facto coolest phone at that time. Everyone was spotted with one.

I'm the odd one out. Even though I can afford to buy it, but I instead opt for the largest screen at that time and got myself Nokia 7110. It was almost look like Matrix banana phone (Nokia 8110). 

But nowaday, people start to behaving like me. Getting the biggest screen size they can get. Am I living ahead of people?

Monday, March 8, 2010

How can someone say multiracial with focus on certain race? That's stupidity!

He said that the Anwar he knew back in 1984 was a different; Anwar who fought for the rights of Malays, and that PKR had deviated from its original manisfesto of being a multiracial party with a focus on the Malays.
What stupidity is that? How can being multiracial and then focus on Malay at the same time? That sound so crazy. I'm glad such stupid people left PKR.