What initially thought of car fixing has become full blown car modification. The things that I've done are:
a)engine top overhaul
b)clutch plate from 1300 to 1600
c)lighten flywheel
d)power steering
e)carb modification
f)spark plug and plug cable
g)timing belt
All this come to RM3150. I guess this year is pretty bad year for me financially. I don't earn more in career wise. But spending has been like crazy lately. I'm not sure why I was in this situation. Coupled with RM400 burned in mum's US Visa application, 2007 is the worst year in my life in terms of spending rationally.
Top money usage:
a)facial - rm10,000
b)car - rm3000
c)Lasek - rm5000
d)oven - rm2000
Wow, RM20,000 and I still paying it with 0% instalment. Thanks credit card. I'll always be in debt. To those who read my blog, spend wisely. And get rid of credit card.
Get a gf, she can help you save... or not.