Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Plan for life - Financial

Suddenly it popped to my mind about when to use and invest money. We need to follow the graph of stock market and inflation.

Normally will follow this rule:
Stock market : Up------->Down------------->Up
Inflation : Up------->Down------------->Up

Reason, during economic downturn, people no money to buy stuff. Sure no inflation and might have deflation. Buying house and other high price item like collectors item (Transformers) might be good time during financial down turn.

So which bring us to:
Stock market : Up------->Down------------->Up
Inflation : Up------->Down------------->Up
Spend : save money--->Invest or SPEND!!!----->save money

What you can spend:
b)collector's item
c)vacation (during downturn, oil price drop so surcharge is lower)

Thanks for reading this.

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