Sunday, June 7, 2009

Reminiscing younger time : Jimmy Lin

One of the singer that I grow up with is Jimmy Lin. I'm not actually fan of Jimmy Lin but somehow, there's one song that caught my attention and that's called Flying Dagger or something like that. It has the flying dagger sound effect. Not sure why I like it. Haha.

(Edited: Here is the MV of that song 戲夢 - wait for the dagger sound at the end of the songs)

Due to this reason, I bought a compilation tape (last time, CD is luxury. As a matter of fact, CD is still luxury right now. But no one buying because we can download). I keep on listening to this tape over and over again. And all the songs in the compilation grow on me. I feel happy and satisfy each time I hear it. I think I still got the tape somewhere. It's a feel good tape. Erm, I wonder if I can still download all the song inside the tape. Haha....

Anyway, here is a song where I feel young again at 17:

And here is the rest of the songs in the album:

If I'm not mistaken, I bought this album:

Goodbye My Friend (1994) - Cover

1. 雨天洒着回忆 (真情倾诉) - Listen
2. 十七岁的雨季 - Listen
3. 今年夏天 - Listen
4. 雨季 - Listen
5. 乌云中的曙光 (真情倾诉) - Listen
6. 勇敢接受我的爱 - Listen
7. 戏梦 - Listen
8. 我有一颗炽热的心 - Listen
9. 雨后的情心 (真情倾诉) - Listen
10. 我对天空说爱你 - Listen
11. 为什么受伤的总是我 - Listen
12. 我的心是一个美丽的窗口 - Listen
13. 伤心只到这里 - Listen
14. 阳光是一份礼物 (真情倾诉) - Listen
15. 生日礼物 - Listen
16. 用心相信 - Listen
17. 快乐要自己追逐 - Listen
18. 心云 - Listen
19. 全新的爱 - Listen
20. 牵挂你的我 - Listen
21. 回忆的天空是黑白 (真情倾诉) - Listen

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