Saturday, August 29, 2009

BN keep on given us reason not to vote for BN

For the past, we already know BN and especially UMNO are using racism tactic to gain support. But they failed miserably in 30 March, 2008. Since then, BN still does not learn from mistake and more and more reason being given to us not to vote for them.

Yesterday, a group of extremist threaten to bloodshed over Hindu temple. I do not name their religion and their race because that would make their religion and race looks bad. Unfortuntely, they are actually doing that, a disservice to their race and religion. There's actually stupid people among us in Malaysia... lol'ed...

Anyway, since the Hindu people normally intelligent, they don't do anything drastic to avenged the incident that ridiculed their religion. I would like to congratulate the Hindu in Malaysia for being more advance in their thinking when others are still in Jahiliah era...

And to think that this Monday is National Day really make this provocative demonstration a disservice to 1Malaysia motto by Najib. But I would like to thank this group of people that accelerate the demise of BN. Thanks again.