Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Right or wrong is subjective to every person

All I can say is everyone's unique. Everyone deserve to make their choice. There's no right or wrong. If I tell you that you made a wrong decision to do that, please don't listen to me. What looks wrong to me probably right to you. You just have to believe yourselves in making that decision. I'm talking about personal choice and preferences. Its not company decision or group decision where decision must made based on data and stuff like that. But for personal decision, you don't always need data to support your decision. If you like motorbike and racing, I won't tell you that its ridiculous to waste money changing tyres and all those add on. If you like to bake cakes, I won't say to you to just buy from outside where you can have variety of foods instead of stuck with certain types of foods because you don't have other tools to make other types of food. All this is your personal preferences. I have my choice and personal preferences and I'm proud to make it. At least, I need to learn to be proud to make that decision now. And asking other's opinion or think about other's opinion when making a personal choice means you're not living your life. Go on and live your life be free!


  1. Man, you sound like you are going through some mid-life crisis...

    Get a grip!!!

  2. haha... seems like so. I do make a lot of decision that I don't like. I break a lot of taboo. I don't know what is happening to me. lol
